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How to Prevent Cancer And Get Healthy It's not unusual matter if you are asked to consume fresh fruit and vegetables to prevent cancer. Once you took those foods rich with antioxidant, you are preventing various kinds of diseases from your body. Okay, so what's the correlation between cancer and antioxidant? Have you got information on those two subjects? Of course you know that cancer is very dangerous, and that it may take your life away if it's not treated well or earlier.

One of the ways of preventing cancer is by taking antioxidant. Now let us see further details about antioxidant and how it's going to make our body healthy. Our body naturally produces chemical elements (reactive molecules) called free radicals.

They can cause permanent damage to our cells. Cancer, aging, and cardiovascular disease are the causes of this damage. To protect us from these diseases, antioxidant plays a great role.

Antioxidant protects body cells from the bad impacts of free radicals, such as pollution, exhaust fumes, radiation, certain drugs, chemical exposure, and even processed food. How can you get this antioxidant then? Actually, our body has built natural methods of antioxidant in order to neutralize the free radicals. However, today's environment is hazardous and has increased more free radicals which our body may not maintain anymore. Luckily, we have the nature to help us live longer.

Yes, the nature produces many important substances that function as good antioxidant. Food nutrients and botanicals they produce have great roles in improving body's health. To be exact, fresh foods like fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants other than those you can get from pills. Thus, eating them will prevent you from cancer and many other diseases caused by free radicals. Talking about fresh foods, oranges, peas, and cauliflower contain a very high capacity of antioxidant. What you might not now is that antioxidant may prevent prostate cancer, which is mostly found in men.

There is a study that finds a good, protective effect in selenium. High blood levels of selenium decrease the risk of advanced prostate cancer. Thus, men who consume high levels of selenium significantly decrease prostate cancer risk.

Selenium is mostly found in most plant foods and in some meats and shellfish. If you are nuts lovers, you are very lucky, as they are good sources of selenium. So now you have gathered information about the correlation of antioxidant and cancer. Will you start a healthier lifestyle now? Yes? Great! Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to cancer, do please browse for more information at our websites.

Self Esteem

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